TIN Check United Kingdom (UK)
In United Kingdom the TIN there are 3 kinds of TIN’s (NINO, UTR and TRN) for Individuals and 1 (UTR) for Entities.
To validate a tax identification number (TIN) from UK, the TIN must be placed on top of it, which must obey the following format:
For Individuals (TIN / NINO / UTR / TRN)
The NINO is the Nacional Insurance Number and is equivalent to TIN number. NINO have the following format:
• LLNNNNNNL – Total of 9 digits
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
L identifies that it must be a letter.
The UTR is the Unique Taxpayer Reference and is issued by the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and have the following format:
• NNNNNNNNNN – Total of 10 digits
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
The TRN is a Temporary Reference Number generated internally when a full NINO cannot be traced or is not held. NINO have the following format:
• NNLNNNNN – Total of 8 digits
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
L identifies that it must be a letter.
For Entities (TIN / UTR)
The UTR assumes the same format has for individuals
• NNNNNNNNNN – Total of 10 digits
N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
After validation, additional information on the TIN introduced will be made available