TIN Check Brunei Darussalam
For individuals :
The TIN equivalent is the NRIC number.
It is attributed to:
Brunei Darussalam Citizens and Permanent
Residents aged 12 years or above
Temporary Residents with immigration
passes of 3 months or above, and aged 12
years or above
The NRIC number consists in 8 digits (format:
For entities:
The TIN equivalent is a standard registration
number, that is attributed to:
Sole-Proprietorships or Partnerships
Private Limited Companies and Public
Foreign Branch of companies
The structure of the standard registration
number depends of the entity type:
Sole-proprietorships: 9 characters (format:
Private Limited Companies: 10 characters
(format: RC99999999)
Foreign Branch Companies: 11 characters
(format: RFC99999999)