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Privacy Policy

The team takes the privacy and protection of the data recorded by its users seriously and ensures its users privacy and security in the data provided for the various services provided, with only the necessary data being requested and collected for the provision of the service. according to the explicit instructions on the website and the user's options. If requested, the data subject has the right to obtain access, rectification or deletion of the data provided.
Next, we present the information handling practices we have adopted, including how information is collected, how it is used and with whom it is shared.
We assume the following commitments to site users:

  • Proceed with data processing in a lawful and fair manner, collecting only the information necessary and pertinent to the purpose for which they are intended;

  • Allow the data subject to access and correct the information about him / her, transmitting it in a clear and strictly corresponding language to the content of the register;

  • Do not use the data collected for purposes incompatible with the collection;

  • Keep the data accurate and, if necessary, current;

  • Ensure the express consent of the data subject whenever this is required;

  • Guarantee free of charge the right to delete the data used when required by the holder;

  • Have security systems that prevent the consultation, modification, destruction or addition of data by an unauthorized person to do so and that allow the detection of intentional or unintentional information deviations;

  • Respect professional secrecy regarding the data processed;

  • Do not interconnect personal data, unless legally authorized or authorized by CNPD.

In general, the website can be visited without revealing any personal information. There are, however, areas where we need users to provide their personal data in order to take advantage of the services available there, and the user can choose to register on the website and provide personal data, such as name, address, telephone , email, etc.
The collection of user identification data will be carried out by completing an online registration form and will take place in accordance with the strictest security rules.
The data collected by the website is entered into the computer system that handles it, where it will be processed automatically, and the data is intended for the management of the website's services.
All employees are covered by an obligation of confidentiality regarding the data to which they have access in the context of the operations of the respective computer base, being duly informed of the importance of complying with this legal duty of secrecy and being responsible for the fulfillment of this obligation of confidentiality.